September 21, 2021 

Call to Order:  
President, John Davis called the meeting to order at 7:08 pm.

Authority Members: Dean Williard, John Davis, Pete Bergstresser and Judi Deppen
Employees: Tammy Osman, Todd Mace
Citizens: None
Solicitor: None

Review of Previous Meeting Minutes:
After a review of the previous month’s meeting minutes a motion was made by Dean and second by Pete to approve the minutes as written. 

Communications and Notices: Dean informed the Authority that the name of the electric supplier has changed to Major Electric. Dean followed up with the County on the Knarr property and it is moving along we are still expected to get some of the money that is owed. Dean is going to send a letter to Ketner Electric advising that the Authority decided to use them for the yearly service of the generators. The Snyder/Kern property is being turned over to the District Magistrate.  

Financial Report and Payment of Listed Bills:
Dean Williard presented financial statements for review by the Authority. There is a balance in the PLIGIT account of $549.18 and the balance in the general account of $32,766.34. A motion was made to pay the bills as listed with the additions of payments to TDS for $131.41, WG Malden for $474.15, and CNA Surety for $533.15 to increase the secretaries bond. A motion was made by Dean with a second by Judi.  

Water/Wastewater System Operator: Report – REPORT Todd informed the Authority the CL-17 unit was worked on and there are currently $300 worth of parts ordered for it. It will cost about $5000.00 to replace should it not be able to be repaired. PA One Call was marked along Pennsylvania Ave for PPL. The resident at 151 S Main St called DEP with a complaint of dirty water. PA Environmental Solutions ran tests on the water and it all came back fine. The hour meter was replaced on Pump Station number 1. Both pumps are now working good at Pump Station 2. One Post EQ tank pump has been replaced. The pump can be repaired by OPSCO for $2807 or a new one can be purchased for $4250.00 since this pump will be a spare pump a motion was made by Dean to have the pump repaired instead of buying new. A second to the motion was made by Judi, motion passed with all in favor. A motion was also made by Dean that the number 2 SBR be pulled up and cleaned and the tank cleaned as well. A second to the motion was made by Judi and all were in favor.  
Solicitors Report: None present.  
Old Business: Dean will continue to take care of the delinquents as he has been doing. The official contract for the CBDG fund has not been received yet. A CPA audit will need to be done on these funds. 

New Business: Dean advised that a separate checking account would need to be set up for the DCED Grant funds. Dean mentioned Gratz Bank and he has checked into it. The Authority will receive first 100 checks for free. This will be needed for the DCED Grant funding and this funding could come before the next meeting. Dean is prepared to open account if needed. Todd advised what 5 items the $300,000 could be used for. An addition of the shed will need to be added, as will the preparation of the SCADA system. The insurance bill normally comes before the next meeting; if that is the case a motion was made by Dean and a second from Pete to pay the bill when it comes.  

Adjournment: There being no further business, the public meeting adjourned at 7:59pm. Motion was made by Judi and 2nd from Pete. 

Respectfully Submitted By:Tammy Osman, Secretary

Herndon Borough - Jackson Township
      Joint Municipal Authority
          Meeting Minutes