September 24, 2019

Call to Order:  
President, Paul Witmer called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

Authority Members: Dean Williard, Paul Witmer, John Davis, Brian Lenker 
Employees: Tammy Osman, Todd Mace and Andy Bobb
Solicitor: None
Citizens: Jason Wisser and Barry Hughes

Review of Previous Meeting Minutes:
After a review of the previous month’s meeting minutes a motion was made by Brian and second by Dean to approve the minutes as presented.  

Communications and Notices: Dean received the FEMA handbook which a copy needed to be signed and mailed back. Dean also informed the Authority that a letter was sent to Jackson Twp in regards to Paul not wanting to rerun. Dean was approached by Charles Haffling who is the chairman of Jackson Twp and he has expressed an interest in the position. The credit from PPL has not been received yet, Dean will follow up. Dean also investigated the Herndon Reload property (LDG28) and it was discovered that no one is living in the suspected location; it is being used for crafts. Dean took pictures.  Dean reported that LDG# 268 Knarr property on River Shore will be going up for a Judicial Sale July or August of 2020 as they have failed to pay their property taxes.  Attorney Tony Michetti did give a written response to the Yocum LDG# 165 situation (James & Joshua Yocum visited our August meeting) in his letter dated 9/20/19 which supported our ongoing assessment of 1 EDU for the property and encouraged them to set up payment arrangements to avoid additional liens & costs from being placed on their property.

Citizen Concern: Jason Wisser, Herndon Mayor, and Barry Hughes presented Andy Bobb with a plaque for his 47 years service to the Water and Waste Water treatment.  

Financial Report and Payment of Listed Bills:
Dean Williard presented financial statements for review by the Authority. There is a balance in the PLIGIT account of $543.40 and the balance in the general account of $6241.12 and a balance in the Northumberland National Bank Savings account of $1,021.15. A motion was made by Brian and 2nd by John to pay the bills as presented along with the addition of payments to Andy Bobb for $3185.00 and Bobbs Plumbing and Heating for $.87. Dean also made a motion to pay the EMC bill once it comes instead of waiting until the next meeting if it is due prior to the meeting date. A second to the motion was made by Brian.  

Water/Wastewater System Operator: Dean made a motion to accept Todd Mace and PA Environmental Solutions contract with a second by Brian and all were in favor. Delinquencies are going to be done by Dean and then he will notify Todd only if a shut off is needed. Andy is going to work with Todd on getting the PA One Calls switched over to him. Todd suggested that the Authority switch to Fairway for the testing instead of Pace. The Authority is not happy with the way Pace bills or communicates. Dean to let Pace know that they are done as of September 30. All the maps that would be needed for the system are located at the Plant. Todd gave the names of Kevin and Jesse and himself who would receive call outs if needed. Andy did inform the Authority that Lykens Valley Fencing did stop in and a header onto the fence at the WWTP. Andy will give Todd his keys for the WWTP and the locks on all the fences once he is finished with his time.  

Solicitors Report: None present.  

Old Business: The widening of the road and clearing of brush to Well #2 is the sole remaining improvement from the yearly walk through and is pending however, Andy stated that it has grown and the road is partially closed at the building. Dean is going to check with 3 D and see if that is something that they would handle. The annual walk through for 2019 and the list of items that are in need of repair are 
1.) Clean out the culverts and catch basin outlets—perhaps a work detail weekend. still pending

Dean discussed the HACH C17 Chlorine kits which were purchased last year & will look into ordering another year's worth (use 1 kit per month). Dean had reviewed the quote for replacement diffusers from Aqua-Aerobics but, was not able to locate alternate pricing based on the wording used by Aqua-Aerobics.  Todd Mace was given the quote sheet & advised he would look into further.  Todd will research a less costly process which would entail cleaning the diffusers that are in use with chemicals.

New Business: Paul provided a summary of his conversation with Brett Schadel. Brett is interested in pursuing if the sewer could be run to his newly purchased property he acquired from the American Legion. Some of his plans are contingent on having sewer capabilities. Paul suggestions to him were to have feasible study done to see what the impact would be on the Authority. What legal ramification could come since his property is location in Lower Mahanoy versus Jackson Twp. Paul suggests he attend a meeting; however he was unable to attend this one as he had a conflict.  

Adjournment: There being no further business, the public meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm. Motion made by John and 2nd from Brian.

Respectfully Submitted By:Tammy Osman, Secretary

Herndon Borough - Jackson Township
      Joint Municipal Authority
          Meeting Minutes