September 26, 2017

Call to Order: 
President, Paul Witmer called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

Authority Members:  Dean Williard, Jeff Aurand, John Davis, Paul Witmer and Brian Lenker
Employees:  Andy Bobb, Tammy Osman
Solicitor:  None
Citizens:  None

Review of Previous Meeting Minutes:
After a review of the previous month’s meeting minutes a motion was made by Paul and second by Jeff to approve the minutes as presented. 

Communications and Notices:  Dean received information that Clair Hain Jr purchased his fathers property and then resold it.  Jackson Wetzel property settlement should happen in October. 

Financial Report and Payment of Listed Bills:
Dean Williard presented financial statements for review by the Authority. There is a balance in the PLIGIT account of $525.41 and the balance in the general account of $7659.43 and a balance in the Northumberland National Bank Savings account of $1,013.66. A motion was made by Dean and 2nd by Paul to pay the bills as presented along with the addition of payments to Andrew Bobb for $1560.00 (operator) and Bobb’s Plumbing and Heating for $1735.06, Diehl, Dluge and Michetti for $120.00 for services of the liens by the Constable.  Dean has requested the breakdown of the charges for each the property so the amount can be accessed onto each account.

Water/Wastewater System Operator:  Andy informed the Authority that the check has been sent to Merit but he will not receive them until they are made.  Andy informed the Authority that PA One Call is reinforcing poles and need lines located and marked which Andy bypassed.  The past Friday he was called out by the auto dialer because the level at the Zeigler resident was high.  Both pumps had failed.  He had a spare rebuilt pump and put that in.  John Smith from Site Specific checked both pumps and was able to rebuild one on site and the other had to be taken back.  A rebuilt pump will cost about $1800.00 versus a new one at $2700.00.  Right now there are two working pumps.  There was also a burnt relay which Andy fixed and got everything back on line and working.  The repairs to Midway Alley took place.  A trench needed to be dug to Jeff Leitzel’s property, and the line was replaced with a polyethylene line the length of Midway Alley.  

Solicitors Report:  None

Old Business:
Dean is going to handle the delinquents and shut offs with Andy.  The list of improvements still pending is canopy modifications.  Andy is to work on the canopy modifications when he has time to do it and Paul is able to help.  Andy is going to call Green Acres fencing to get an estimate for a fence at the WWTP.  There is also a fencing place in the Berrysburg Area that Paul is going to check into to see if they can get an estimate for the fence at the WWTP.

New Business:
Brian questioned the paving projects, specifically the one on Midway Alley, Sucker Street, and Ferry Ave all have spots that need paved.  Paul suggested that they wait until Midway Alley settles and right now just cold patch it.  In the spring it should be settled enough to consider paving it.  The Borough may have a paving project and if they do they can combine with that like was done in the past.  A reminder is to be set to have Midway Alley, and the cut by the Bridge at Andy’s and Ferry Ave paved in the spring. 

Adjournment:  There being no further business, the public meeting adjourned at 7:35pm.  Motion made by Jeff and 2nd from John

Respectfully Submitted By:Tammy Osman, Secretary

Herndon Borough - Jackson Township
     Joint Municipal Authority
         Meeting Minutes