September 25, 2007

Call to Order: 
President Reynold Wolfe called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

Authority Members:  Reynold Wolfe, Dean Williard, Jackson Wetzel, Kurvin Batdorf
Employees: Tammy Osman, Andy Bobb, Ricky Spotts
Solicitor:  Joe Michetti
Bond Counsel: None
Public:  Terry and Lynette Cotner, Lynn Gaw, Ryan Schaffner, Ms. Hackenberg, Jerry Wolfe and Charlene DeFord

Review of Previous Meeting Minutes:
After a review of the previous months meeting minutes, Ren declared the minute’s approved as presented motion made by Dean and second by Jackson.

Financial Report and Payment of Listed Bills:
Dean Williard presented four financial statements for review by the Authority. There is a balance in the general fund of $821.51 and in the PLIGIT account of $27843.39 after the review of the bills to be paid tonight there was a motion made by Jackson and 2nd by Kurvin to proceed with paying the bills that are listed with the correction being made that the bill to Zartman’s Construction is for asphalt hauling for road improvements to WWTP and the watershed. Dean then presented an overview of each of the checking accounts that the Authority has and what funds are available in each.  

Citizens Concerns: 
Terry and Lynette Cotner’s property still has not been restored to the condition that they were told earlier in the year that it was going to be restored to. The Authority was aware of the fact and has been in contact with the engineering firm (LDG) which supervised the project to pursue remedy of the situation through the contractor (HRI) who used a sub-contractor (Meckley's Limestone) for the paving.

Jerry Wolfe doesn’t think that he should be charged for sewer because he is not using the facilities.  However, he was told that since he was at the time of the ordinance that he is still responsible for the sewer whether he uses it or does not use it.  Ryan Schaffner was concerned about the number of EDU’s that he is being charged for at the laundry mat.  The Authority had previously made an adjustment in his favor to lower the number of EDU’s that he would be charged for with regards to the number of washing machines he was going to have in the laundromat. 

Communications and Notices:
The Authority received a letter from Snyder-Eyster Agency regarding the renewal of the current plan and how it is going to be paid.  There were three choices to pay the premium:
1. Annual
2. 40/30/30 (40%down, 30% in 3 months and 30% in 3 months after that)
3. 10 pay (25% down and 9 monthly installments)
The Authority decided that they were going to go with option 2. Ren is going to notify Snyder-Eyster Agency of the option that was chosen. 

Water System Operatior:
Andy informed the Authority that the lead and copper tests were below level therefore it does not need to be tested for another 3 years.

WWTP Operator’s Report:
Rick questioned what the update was on the Scada equipment for the WWTP.  He also questioned the manholes in the main highway with the paving project going on; they need to make sure that they are installed properly in order to keep out all the unwanted water. It was reported the the valves which had been repaired are still malfunctioning 

Solicitors Report:  Joe informed the Authority that he checked into the Attorney General letter and it had something to do with PenDot, he was unable to get a contact person through PenDot to research it any further.  Joe is going to be getting a letter to Tina Bordner LDG 5 regarding her penalty for pumping the old sewer into the new system. 

Old Business:  
We received back all but 2 of the confirmations that the certified letters had been received.  Ren informed the Authority that he hand delivered a letter to Tony Phillips in regards to using the CBDG funds to replace the lateral at the Herndon Fire house.  He is still awaiting a response from them.  Ren also informed the Authority that Gutelius replaced the shrubs at the WWTP. 

New Business: 
The Authority was informed that it can not use the CBDG funds to pay the interest that is due to RUS.

Next Meeting: October 23, 2007

Adjournment:  There being no further business, the public meeting held at the Herndon Borough Municipal Building adjourned at 8:50pm

Respectfully Submitted By:Tammy Osman, Secretary

Herndon Borough - Jackson Township
     Joint Municipal Authority
         Meeting Minutes