October 20, 2020

Call to Order:  
President, Jeff Aurand called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm.

Authority Members: Dean Williard, John Davis, Jeff Aurand, Peter Bergstresser and Charles Haffling 
Employees: Tammy Osman and Todd Mace
Citizens: None
Solicitor: None 

Review of Previous Meeting Minutes:
After a review of the previous month’s meeting minutes a motion was made by Dean and second by Pete to approve the minutes as presented. 

Communications and Notices: Dean informed the Authority that he has received the payment plan arrangements from Larson Design Group for the $13,000 bill that is currently owed to them. Dean made a motion to accept the proposed plan that begins this month. The drought watch notice/warnings have been posted. Dean got an update on the Yocum property and they did not pay their taxes. Dean will follow up June/July 2021 to see if a sheriff sale will happen. The judicial sale for the Knarr property on Rivershore has been delayed until January 2021. Dean reviewed the PPL Electric bill and noticed that the electric usage was a little higher at Pump Station 3, he asked Todd about it and Todd reported no alarms have been received for repairs.  

Financial Report and Payment of Listed Bills:
Dean Williard presented financial statements for review by the Authority. There is a balance in the PLIGIT account of $549.12 and the balance in the general account of $26464.86. A motion was made to pay the bills as listed and the addition of payment to TDS Telecom for $129.17 and Fairway Laboratories for $105.00. Motion was made by Dean and second by John.  

Water/Wastewater System Operator: Report–Wells 1 & 2 are working fine. Another leak was repaired on Belleview St. The owner of 122 N Main St was given options on how to shut off his water. The fence has been repaired at the reservoir. The bill was received and will be turned in with the lightning strike claim. Todd advised that the Lead and Copper plan needs to be completed but has 2 years to do it. The catch basin needs cleaned and opened to confirm inside integrity. He informed the Authority that there was a lack of communication on the parts needed to make the repairs to the flow meter and the chart recorder which was damaged by the lightning strike, the parts are now installed and Todd to get with L/B Water to see when the calibration will be completed from the lightening strike so that the claim can be filed with the insurance company. Todd is waiting on the shipment of the spare Soda Ash pump. The spare mixer has been received just needs to be installed. Todd also advised that the sludge needs to be pumped out of the SBR tanks which they will take care of in the fall. The Post EQ tank also needs cleaned out. Todd also advised the Auma actuator is being shipped. The sludge pump needs pulled and replaced as it is bad OPSCO is scheduled to pull this pump and repair. Todd is working with HACH on the DO Controllers which they need screens replaced. DEP had 7 questions for LDG which were technical questions in regards to the Permit. Dean is going to get with Larson Design Group to get a quote of what it would cost to have a drought plan written up. Todd provided the Emergency Work Highway Plan to the Authority incomplete as he was not the person who made the repairs and is unable to complete the report. Todd advised that he was able to find a supplier of actuators so there is no need to keep a spare on hand. Mulberger pump was repaired and it was a transformer inside the electrical panel.  

Solicitors Report: None present

Old Business: Dean will take care of the delinquents, Dean requested give delinquents until November 17 (next meeting) before shut off. Jeff is going to fix the door knob on the one building at the reservoir. The Hydrant flushing is still pending. A notice needs to be given to the Borough to find a replacement for Jeff since he is resigning his position at the end of the year. Dean will be following up with Linda Sterling about the deadlines that are approaching for the grant funding.  

New Business: Dean to reorder the reagents. Peter asked if there was less water usage since the flyer were posted on peoples doors. Todd is unable to tell due to the equipment being struck by lightning awaiting the calibration of the replacement parts. Dean asked for help in doing annual audit of billing system & to begin preparing the 2021 budget.  John and Pete advised they would be willing to assist so have tentative budget for next meeting to review with approval in December.

Dean had been contacted by SEDA-COG with questions regarding the grant application.  He referred her to Ed Brown at Larson Design.  The Authority will be billed for time from Larson Design.  Larson Design was informed they should provide more details surrounding their future invoicing such as date, time, who spoke with & purpose of contact. 

Adjournment: There being no further business, the public meeting adjourned at 7:39. Motion was made by Dean and 2nd from Charlie.

Respectfully Submitted By:Tammy Osman, Secretary

Herndon Borough - Jackson Township
      Joint Municipal Authority
          Meeting Minutes