November 26, 2019

Call to Order:  
President, Paul Witmer called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

Authority Members: Dean Williard, Paul Witmer, John Davis, and Jeff Aurand
Employees: Tammy Osman, Todd Mace
Solicitor: None
Citizens: Charles Haffling- 2020 appointed member for Jackson Twp representative

Review of Previous Meeting Minutes:
After a review of the previous month’s meeting minutes a motion was made by Dean and second by Jeff to approve the minutes with the correction of removing John Davis and adding Pete Bergstresser.  

Communications and Notices: Dean ordered the reagent that was needed and paid for it via his credit card. The Ilgenfritz property has added a new edu and has paid ½ of the $2500.00 connection fee with the remaining balance due by December 2, 2019. Dean is going to compare the EDU’s with the Boroughs report. Dean contacted Koppy’s about propane and discovered that it is not low enough to have it filled. PESI will be checking the percentage regularly. Dean also discussed the water leak that was at the McDevitt property. There had been a leak there prior and it was fixed but now they had another and the property owner does not live in PA, therefore he had to handle the issue with his grounds keeper. Herndon Reload is working on building, and since Dean is not to familiar with building items, he requested the aid of Ren Wolfe. It was decided that if they want to entend their property they are able to that but they are subject to a $2500.00 connection fee and are subject to an inspection by PESI. Sideline Excavating is doing the digging and they must get with PESI 2 weeks prior to doing the connection. Robert Torgesen question Dean about his property and stated that it is not habitable and feels that he should not have to pay. He is to get an attorney. Dean encouraged him to do so. Dean is going to file the municipal liens Dean also went to the reservoir and check the tree situation and he feels that it can be completed without hiring. While he was on his way out of the reservoir he met with Joan Brezgel, to introduce himself and also let her know that Andy retired and that she may see other vehicles in and out.  

Financial Report and Payment of Listed Bills:
Dean Williard presented financial statements for review by the Authority. There is a balance in the PLIGIT account of $545.13 and the balance in the general account of $24257.24 and a balance in the Northumberland National Bank Savings account of $1,021.15. A motion was made by John and 2nd by Jeff to pay the bills as presented along with the addition of payments to Fairway Labs for $63.00.

Water/Wastewater System Operator: Link to report The water usage from last month was average daily 80,000 gallons. The flow is down to 50,000 gallons. The soda ash pump was installed. The leak was located and fixed just north of Herndon Reload. The PA Dot emergency work application was submitted. All DEP reporting and sampling from June was completed and up to date. Todd then went over the DEP inspection and reviewed his recommendations on getting the eight violation items fixed in a timely manner. A motion was made by Dean to grant permission for Todd to contact the engineers LDG and get a plan in order to get the corrections made. Jeff seconded the motion and all were in favor. Todd asked that a response be sent back to DEP with regards to receiving the notice and then to notify them again within the 45 day time limit that the issues are being worked on by Todd Mace PESI (System Operator) and LDG. The Authority has 120 days or by the timeframe made by DEP to make corrections. Todd is in need of plans for Lead and Copper from Andy. Todd requested that more Soda Ash be ordered. Todd also wanted to know where the water system maps are located. Todd was asked about the water hydrants at Herndon Reload as to who owns the hydrants. The hydrant is leaking and needs to be fixed. Todd needs to be notified when the hydrants need turned on and off. Todd also needs to talk to Andy about the Influent Chart Recorder. Todd would like to have the whole system surveyed for about $2500.00 this has been requested to wait until the spring. Todd is to map the PA One Call system. Todd is also going to build an influent sampler for less than $1000.00 and a new one would cost $4000-8000.00. The digester was emptied. Pump Station number 2 was cleaned. Since the air diffusers were calibrated the run times is lower and do not need to be replaced at this time. PA One Call was updated with the changes of operators.

Solicitors Report: None Present 

Old Business: The widening of the road and clearing of brush to Well #2 is the sole remaining improvement from the yearly walk through and is pending until Spring of 2020. The annual walk through for 2019 and the list of items that are in need of repair are 
1.) Clean out the culverts and catch basin outlets—perhaps a work detail weekend. still pending until Spring of 2020

New Business: Dean presented the budget for review and asked that it be reviewed for the next meeting. Todd also requested that the Authority look at possible changing the 2020 meeting dates to the third Tuesday of each month.  

Adjournment: There being no further business, the public meeting adjourned at 8:33 pm. Motion made by Jeff and 2nd from John

Respectfully Submitted By:Tammy Osman, Secretary

Herndon Borough - Jackson Township
      Joint Municipal Authority
          Meeting Minutes