November 17, 2015

Call to Order: 
President, Jackson Wetzel called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm.

Authority Members:  Dean Williard, Jeff Aurand, Paul Witmer, Joel Wetzel, Jackson Wetzel
Employees:  Andy Bobb
Solicitor:  Joe Michetti
Citizens:  None

Review of Previous Meeting Minutes:
After a review of the previous month’s meeting minutes a motion was made by Paul and second by Jeff to approve the minutes as presented. 

Communications and Notices:  Susquehanna Bank is changing to BB&T and Dean wants to review since they have a lot of fees, he was able to find an account that lets the Authority make 500 transactions a month and need to have a minimum balance in the account of $5000.00.  Joel made the motion to allow Dean to do what it takes to change the account from Susquehanna routing and account numbers to the new BBT account information, second to the motion by Jeff.  Jackson was informed that the Northumberland National Banks savings account was stagnant and needed action, a motion was made by Dean to put a $5.00 deposit into that savings account, second by Paul. 

Financial Report and Payment of Listed Bills:
Dean Williard presented financial statements for review by the Authority. There is a balance in the PLIGIT account of $521.87 and the balance in the general account of $30220.98 and a balance in the Northumberland National Bank Savings account of $1002.03. A motion was made by Dean and second by Joel to pay the bills as presented along with the addition of payments to Andrew Bobb for $1200.00, PPL $1447.51, TDS $123.12, Seewald Lab $15.00, Herndon Borough $85.00 and Northumberland National Bank $5.00.

Water/Wastewater System Operator:
Andy informed the Authority that the canopy has been installed.  Ren has a plan to modify the canopy and has talked to Andy about it and it will be at minimal cost to do so.  Andy will notify Ren that he has the go ahead to do the modifications.  Andy received the draft for the new 5 year NPDES permit for the WWTP for our approval from the DEP (Department of Environmental Protection).  The application had been prepared by Larson Design Group (LDG) & Andy.  This draft requires more samples and testing which would lead to increased operational costs.  The Authority was advised by Paul Krizan of LDG that the Authority may want to appeal to DEP as he feels we are in need of clarification on the frequency requirements outlined in the draft.  Andy has agreed to contact DEP and the LDG and report back the results. NPEDS still does not have the reports as Paul from LDG found problems in the questions.  Andy informed the Authority that he turned off the water at the Curtis Martz property. 

Solicitors Report:  A motion was made to allow the President (Jackson Wetzel) and Secretary (Jeff Aurand) or in his absences Treasurer (Dean Williard) to sign all legal documents in the Pentair/Myers Pump/LDG lawsuit.  A motion was made to accept $61250.00 as settlement in the lawsuit.  A motion was made by Dean and second by Paul.  Joe will also contact Yocum again in regards to his delinquencies.   Dean will get his dollar amount delinquent to Joe. 

Old Business:
Dean is going to handle the delinquents and shut offs with Andy.  The walk thru for 2013 list of improvements:
A.)Put grates on head wall of 18” pipe at well site—is pending.
Dean gave an update on the replacement valve & water line project.  The Authority was denied funding for the valve project but was approved for the water lines. Dean will be in contact with B3 Architects who will be the engineers for the water line project.   He has authorization to contact them to see what an estimated cost for the project would be.  Paul made the motion and 2nd by Joel.  This project would be from Eagle Ridge down to the ball field. 
With regards to the man hole covers, Paul will continue to co-ordinate bidding process with Jackson Township.  He advised they would not be seeking bids until the spring of 2016.

New Business:
Dean presented the budget for 2016, and asked that the Authority look over it and bring suggestions or changes to the next meeting.  Dean mentioned to Joel to bring 2 matter to the Borough Council at their December meeting:
1.Dean’s term on the Authority will expire on December 31, 2015 and he stated that he is willing to be reappointed for another term. 
2.Joel will need to be replaced as he was an Authority member based on previous practices that a Borough Council member be on the Authority and Joel will be off the Authority December 31, 2015.

Adjournment:  There being no further business, the public meeting adjourned at 8:03pm

Respectfully Submitted By:

Herndon Borough - Jackson Township
     Joint Municipal Authority
         Meeting Minutes