May 19, 2021

Call to Order:  
President, John Davis called the meeting to order at 7:25 pm.

Authority Members: Dean Williard, John Davis, Judi Deppen, Pete Bergstresser and Charles Haffling 
Employees: Tammy Osman and Todd Mace
Citizens: Linda Sterling CEDA COG
Solicitor: None

Review of Previous Meeting Minutes:
After a review of the previous month’s meeting minutes a motion was made by Charlie and second by Judi to approve the minutes as written. 

Communications and Notices: Dean informed the Authority that he has been in contact with PPL to re-negotiate the rate. He was able to secure a rate of .06197 per kilowatt this is slightly higher than last year using their PPL's Standard Offer program which is a 1 year fixed rate. LDG 82 (former Connie Tressler property) has been sold. The Snyder-Kern property has not paid. Dean had mailed the signed Consent Order Agreement and Resolution to DEP (see 4/7/2021 special meeting) which they received April 12th. Upon return of the signed agreement back from DEP the Authority has 60 days to provide them with a Plan of Action (CAP). The Authority has until June 20th to respond back to DEP with the CAP. Attorney Joe Michetti will get with Larson Design to have them prepare the CAP as per special meeting of April 7th. Linda Sterling is concerned that Larson will not get the CAP completed. She is going to contact Larson and work with them on the Corrective Action Plan. Dean advised  he contacted W&W Residential Services & Modern Group Power Systems (who recently was granted a maintenance contract from Northumberland County) for estimates to perform yearly maintenance on our 4 generators.  We have been using Hunter& Lomison and Dean thought if wouldn't hurt to see what other company's estimates were as April 2020 they charged $1,140.00.   W&W Residential would not be able to work on the 1 generator at the WWTP as was an industrial type. Modern Group's quote was $1,425 (higher than what we paid Hunter & Lomison).   Todd had also contacted Ketner Electric who was doing a repair of the generator at the reservoir.  Ketner Electric gave a 30 day proposal of $70 per hour plus material.  As the repair by Ketner Electric had not been completed as of the meeting, it was agreed to table discussion until the June meeting.

Financial Report and Payment of Listed Bills:
Dean Williard presented financial statements for review by the Authority. There is a balance in the PLIGIT account of $549.16 and the balance in the general account of $19314.84. A motion was made to pay the bills as listed with the additions of Fairway Labs for $96.00, TDS for $130.82 and WW Residential Services for $95.75. The motion was made by John and second by Charlie.  

Water/Wastewater System Operator: Report – Report Todd advised that sludge has been hauled. The Post EQ, SBR units, Pump Station 1 & 2 all need to be cleaned. The SCADA system needs to be calibrated. Todd advised that he does charge for PA One Calls if he needs to make a special trip out to the Authority to take care of it. He tries to complete them when he is checking the system. Todd also reminded the Authority that he will be flushing the hydrants on June 1st.  

Solicitors Report: None present.

Old Business: The hydrant Flushing is scheduled for June 1st.  

New Business: The yearly walk through of the system was partially completed this year. There is one tree on the fence at the reservoir and Dean and John are going to take care of the removal. The Authority does not think that it is necessary to have the weeds sprayed around the fence at the well at this time. It will be monitored and if it becomes necessary later they will revisit.  
Adjournment: There being no further business, the public meeting adjourned at 8:25pm. Motion was made by John and 2nd from Charles. 

Respectfully Submitted By:Tammy Osman, Secretary

Herndon Borough - Jackson Township
      Joint Municipal Authority
          Meeting Minutes