May 22, 2019

Call to Order:  
Prior to the meeting Todd Mace, PA Environmental Solutions was invited to attend the meeting to discuss the buying of the parts for the Waste Water Treatment Plant. A discussion was had on what the Authority should do, Andy is going to follow up with Aqua Aerobics and see if the Authority can get ½ now and the other half at a later date. The purchasing of the critical parts while still in available for the now obsolete control panel was deemed to be more cost effective.  The other alternative would have been for $50,000 new upgraded replacement.  Since start up of the plant in 2007 there had been no major issues & the stocking of critical components was determined to be the better alternative. A motion was made by to accept the proposal of $10,000.00 and to store the parts on the shelf until they are needed. Motion was made by Paul and second by Dean.  

President, Paul Witmer called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.

Authority Members: Dean Williard, Jeff Aurand, Paul Witmer, John Davis, Brian Lenker 
Employees: Tammy Osman, Andy Bobb
Solicitor: None
Citizens: None

Review of Previous Meeting Minutes:
After a review of the previous month’s meeting minutes a motion was made by Dean and second by Paul to approve the minutes as presented with the minor correction under Water/Wastewater Systems Operator change basin to pump and not accommodation to commendation.  

Communications and Notices: Dean informed the Authority that he has been doing research on the PPL bill as the agreement is soon up. He looked into Kinect Energy and their 2 year fixed rate is .0771 cents a kilowatt. The new PPL rate would be .05772 cents a kilowatt. We also received notification that the Ketner property was transferred to their son Weston Ketner. Dean followed up on the tax claim notice for the Bender Property.  

Financial Report and Payment of Listed Bills:
Dean Williard presented financial statements for review by the Authority. There is a balance in the PLIGIT account of $539.44 and the balance in the general account of $24156.41 and a balance in the Northumberland National Bank Savings account of $1,020.63. A motion was made by Dean and 2nd by Jeff to pay the bills as presented along with the addition of payments to Andy Bobb for $1560.00, Bobbs Plumbing and Heating for $791.01, PA Rural Water $427.00, Koppy’s Propane $183.63, Jeff Aurand $350.00, and Douglas Parker $2500.00.  

Water/Wastewater System Operator: Andy informed the Authority that during the storm there were issues with blown fuses and the water generator being locked out. He estimated that the power was out at the well for 10 to 12 hours and with blown fuses it let the generator run and we ran out of propane. Andy replaced and tested the fuses and all appears to be working correctly now. Andy also informed the Authority that young Cash Bretzgel is going to get millings to fix the road back to Wells. Andy still has not found the leak. He started checking again near the hydrants and he is thinking that the leak is near Herndon Reload. Andy was also contacted by Fairchild Brothers stating that they are going to be doing paving job in town and wanted to know if the Authority had anything that they needed patched. Now is a great time to get the patch made in the center of town and the patch at Eagle Ridge, estimated cost to make the patches is $3400.00. Dean made a motion and a second by John to take advantage of the deal by Fairchild Brothers. Andy flushed the hydrants. Andy also stated that we are losing about 30-35000 gallons a day.  
Solicitors Report: None present.  

Old Business: Dean will handle the delinquents and shut offs with Andy. The widening of the road and clearing of brush to Well #2 is the sole remaining improvement from the yearly walk through and is pending however, Andy stated that it has grown and the road is partially closed at the building. Paul is going to talk to Beilhartz. The Manhole cover will not get fixed until spring, the riser that was requested has been purchased by SS Witmer Paving, and the Authority will reimburse only for the riser and not labor. The stone was delivered and gate drug at the reservoir. A rate increase of $15.00 a month is going to be in effect the 4th quarter of 2019. Dean has created a draft letter for the public which will be sent with the 3rd quarter billing.  
New Business:  
The annual walk through was April 23rd, and the list of items that are in need of repair are 
1.) Repair the holes in the wall at the well head—Andy fixed.
2.) Fill Propane at the Well-- Filled
3.) Spray and trim the fence line at the Well—completed
4.) Clean out the culverts and catch basin outlets—Perhaps a work detail weekend.. still pending
5.) The Trees at the Reservoir—should they be taken down? Paul to research. Some of them have been cut up and cleaned up. Tammy is working on getting all the downed trees cut up.  

Adjournment: There being no further business, the public meeting adjourned at 8:38 pm. Motion made by Brian and 2nd from Jeff

Respectfully Submitted By:Tammy Osman, Secretary

Herndon Borough - Jackson Township
      Joint Municipal Authority
          Meeting Minutes