May 23, 2017

Call to Order: 
President, Paul Witmer called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm.

Authority Members:  Dean Williard, Paul Witmer, Jeff Aurand, John Davis
Employees:  Andy Bobb, Tammy Osman
Solicitor:  None
Citizens:  None

Review of Previous Meeting Minutes:
After a review of the previous month’s meeting minutes a motion was made by Dean and 2nd by John to approve the minutes as presented. 

Communications and Notices:  None

Financial Report and Payment of Listed Bills:
Dean Williard presented financial statements for review by the Authority. There is a balance in the PLIGIT account of $524.23 and the balance in the general account of $36,128.24 and a balance in the Northumberland National Bank Savings account of $1,013.66. A motion was made by Dean and 2nd by Jeff to pay the bills as presented along with the addition of payments to Andrew Bobb for $1560.00 (operator), Andy Bobb $225.00 (on line course), Bobb’s Plumbing and Heating for $2089.09, Doug Parker $2500.00, SilverTip $118.61, and USA Bluebook for $82.21.

Water/Wastewater System Operator:  Andy informed the Authority that the DEP inspection has been completed and there are no violations.  The hydrants were flushed on May 9, 2017 and no issues.  He also walked the meadows at the Brezgel property and 3 ports were marked with flags so they could put the fence posts in and not hit the water lines.  Andy also informed the Authority that the curb stop at Pump Station 2 was dug up, he has since fixed it.  He needed to order a chlorine regulator and has done so.  There were 2 chlorine pumps that quit running as well, he has order and replaced those.  Act Pak got a spike, he got that fixed as well.  The leak at the Firehouse was located under the Firehouse.  He needed to run a new line from the curb stop to the building but he was able to make the repair and the Firehouse paid for the repairs. The reason Andy notified the Authority was to divulge that the water leak was a result of this leak.  There were multiple curb stop caps broke the ones at the Herndon Bank, Dale Leitzel/Edna Kaup are now flush with the amesite.  The curb box at the memorial was broke off and is now repaired.  Andy also had to replace the cutters for the grinder pump at Pump Station 2 and also order a spare set. The water tank was also replaced inside the 4 log building at the reservoir. The grass at the springs and wells needs to be mowed. 

Solicitors Report: 

Old Business:
Dean is going to handle the delinquents and shut offs with Andy.  The list of improvements still pending is canopy modifications.  Andy is to work on the canopy modifications when he has time to do it.  Paul obtained the necessary hardware from SilverTip for the grate project on the head wall at the well site.  He is hopeful of completing by next month’s meeting.  The pole at the water shed is set to happen on June 13 and the electrical inspector is scheduled for the same day.  Andy needs to contact TDS to have them there as well.   The Audit is completed.  The CPA did not bring enough copies of the audit along so he is going to mail them to the Authority for the next meeting.  The electric supply has been discontinued and the Authority is back with PPL. 

New Business:
The walk thru was completed and there was nothing major to report.  Paul is to get in contact with John Wert to see if he would be willing to spray the weeds around the fence as he did last year.  Joyce Davis son has his operator’s license and is looking to “get his feet wet”. The Authority is ok with him shadowing Andy on his own time. 

Adjournment:  There being no further business, the public meeting adjourned at 7:50pm.  Motion made by Dean and 2nd from Jeff.

Respectfully Submitted By:Tammy Osman, Secretary

Herndon Borough - Jackson Township
     Joint Municipal Authority
         Meeting Minutes