March 22, 2016

Call to Order: 
President, Jackson Wetzel called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm.

Authority Members:  Dean Williard, Paul Witmer, Jeff Aurand, Jackson Wetzel, & Brian Lenker
Employees:  Andy Bobb, Tammy Osman
Solicitor: Tony Michetti
Citizens:  None

Review of Previous Meeting Minutes:
After a review of the previous month’s meeting minutes a motion was made by Dean and 2nd by Brian to approve the minutes as presented with minor corrections made by Andy. 

Communications and Notices:  Dean received an email from Tracy Ross in regards to a manhole cover located in front of her father’s property.  The manhole cover makes a loud noise when cars drivve over it and they are inquiring whether the Authority will be doing anything to fix this issue.  Dean also received an email from Eric Kieffer in regards to the property that he wants to lease out.  He stated that there has not been any interest from a business in renting it out, so he is going to convert in into one apartment to rent out. 

Financial Report and Payment of Listed Bills:
Dean Williard presented financial statements for review by the Authority. There is a balance in the PLIGIT account of $522.15 and the balance in the general account of $88669.27 and a balance in the Northumberland National Bank Savings account of $1,007.54. A motion was made by Dean and 2nd by Jeff to pay the bills as presented along with the addition of payments to Andrew Bobb for $1200.00 Bobb’s Plumbing and Heating for $220.00, and PPL for $1718.39. 

Water/Wastewater System Operator:
Andy checked on getting replacement pumps from Liberty but they do not make them.  He is getting the broken one repaired for $1100.00.  The cost of a new pump for pump station at Wise Road is $2210.00.  Andy informed the Authority that Todd Mace from PA Environmental Solutions completed the act 94 report, which needs Jackson’s signature and then can be sent in.  Andy completed the chapter 110 report and filed it.  Andy reported that the sewer plant was recognized with a performance award from Aqua Aerobics.  Stahlneckers came and cleaned out the wet wells #1 and #2. Andy also mentioned that there was a malfunctioning grinder pump which was repaired at the Mulberger property.   It is time to renew his contract with the Authority and he feels he is in need of a raise since he has about ½ hr extra work per day that he is doing with the new reports that are mandated.  After discussission a decision was made to increase Andy’s pay from $50.00 per day to $65.00 per day based on 24 days a month.  Dean will get with Miche’tti to have them write a new corntact for Andy which will include his new duties.  A motion was made by Jackson and 2ndy Brian.  All were in favor and the motion carried. 

Solicitors Report: 
Tony answered questions that Dean had on liens on properties. 

Old Business:
There are no potential shut offs this month.  The walk thru for 2013 list of improvements:
Put grates on head wall of 18” pipe at well site—is pending.
Jackson talked to Glenda Ruch at SEDA COG and dropped off the documents for the grant monies.    Glenda left a message that the wait for the additional monies could be 3-4 weeks at least into spring.  Dean will call before the next meeting and follow up with her on the status of additional grant monies.  With regards to the manhole covers, Paul will continue to co-ordinate bidding process with Jackson Township.  It is perceived they would be seeking bids this spring.
With regards to the canopy modification, Andy had been in contact with Ren Wolfe and it is tabled until spring.

New Business:
Jackson has been in contact with SS Witmer to look at the manhole covers at Sam Spade's (as per inquiry from his daughter, Tracy Ross) they are waiting until Meckley’s makes amosite and then then they will make the repairs to the manhole covers and also patch the part of the road that was damaged in the winter.  Jackson also informed the Authority that he spent ½ day at the well site cleaning up around the fence and found that there are about 14 dead pine trees at the catch basin so he is going to get Randy and John to cut them down. 

Adjournment:  There being no further business, the public meeting adjourned at 8:41pm.  Motion made by Dean and 2nd from Paul.

Respectfully Submitted By:Tammy Osman, a

Herndon Borough - Jackson Township
     Joint Municipal Authority
         Meeting Minutes