March 25, 2014
Call to Order: 
President Reynold Wolfe called the meeting to order at 7:04pm

Authority Members:  Reynold Wolfe, Dean Williard,  Jackson Wetzel, Joel Wetzel, Jeff Aurand
Employees: Tammy Osman , Andy Bobb
Solicitor:  Tony Michetti,
Citizens:  None

Review of Previous Meeting Minutes:
After a review of the previous month’s meeting minutes a motion was made by Jackson and second by Joel to approve the minutes as presented. 

Financial Report and Payment of Listed Bills:
Dean Williard presented financial statements for review by the Authority. There is a balance in the PLIGIT account of $521.71 and the balance in the general account of $38821.27 and a balance in the Northumberland National Bank Savings account of $1000.51.  After the review of the bills to be paid tonight and the addition of payments to Andy Bobb operator $1150.00, and Bobbs Plumbing and Heating for $172.48 a motion was made to pay the bills as presented and to also pay the additional two.  The motion was made by Dean and second by Jackson.   

Water System Operator:
Andy informed the Authority that he had Chris Shutt from Pa Rural Water down to check the possible water leak, he checked from the ball field to Eagle Ridge and the only things he can hear is motor noise or transformer noise.  It does not sound like a leak to him.  Andy has been running the second pump, but he may be able to turn it off now.  Andy did let Chris know that the Authority was not happy that they did not have anyone available to help find the break a few weeks back.  Chris apologized. 

Waste Water Operator:  Andy gave the quotes that he got for the grinder pump, for a new pump it would cost $2500,  and to have the one fixed that we already have it would cost $2100.00 Dean made a motion to have Andy get a new pump that is needed, second to the motion by Jeff.  Vote carried unanimously.  Andy is to also go Ochard pumps and have them discard the old pump, we are aware of a fee that we will be charged since they did diagnosis the issue.  Andy also informed the Authority that he did change the breakers in the Mulberger property and that everything is back up and working. 

Solicitors Report: 
Tony informed the Authority that he filed updated liens on Kooken and Feese property.  He will be filing a complaint tomorrow on the Yocum property.  Dean requested that Tony get together what the estimated cost would be for the Authority to pursue execution of our lien through a Sheriff Sale.  The estimate should include the pros and cons of pursuing that action with 3 possible scenerios.  Those being what if we would be outbid by the 1st position lien holder, what if we are outbid by a party other than the 1st position lien holder, and what if we ended up owning the property.

Old Business:
Dean is going to handle the delinquents and shut offs with Andy. The only walk thru improvement for 2012 that is still open is the pool cover and Andy is working on that. 
The walk thru for 2013 list of improvements:
A.) Put grates on head wall of 18” pipe at well site
B.) Brush back road at sides of the road to well #2
C.) Clear brush on the inside of the fence
D.) Clean the “rags” out of the basin at 1 and 2
Andy and Ren are going to fix the curb stop at the Newman Property this is still pending. The gate at the WWTP was repaired by Jackson and Joel.  

New Business:
Dean informed all the members what the post office box combination is.  He got the information from the post office since Ren was unable to pick up the mail for a few weeks.  All members now have a copy of the combination.  Ren suggested that the Authority seek another grant for the repair of the valves which there are 3 of them and also to replace about 450 feet pipe of 2" galvanized water line which extends down to the ball field.  This project would improve a 75-80 year old infrastructure and also possibly detect if there is a leak. The cost of the valves alone is about $1200.00 per valve.  Ren will have more on this at the next meeting. 

Adjournment:  There being no further business, the public meeting adjourned at 8:26pm

Respectfully Submitted By:Tammy Osman, Secretary

Herndon Borough - Jackson Township
     Joint Municipal Authority
         Meeting Minutes