March 29, 2007
Call to Order: 
President Reynold Wolfe called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.

Authority Members:  Reynold Wolfe, Dean Williard, Jackson Wetzel, Kurvin Batdorf
Employees: Tammy Osman, Andy Bobb, Rick Spotts
Solicitor: Joseph Michetti Jr.
Bond Counsel: None
Public:  Lynn Gaw, Roger Lebo, Mike Schaffner, Mike Cotner, Erin Hood, Terry and Lynette Cotner, George Inch, Jeff Miller, Bob Newman, Rich MacDonald, Deb Leitzel, Dave Eyster,
Review of Previous Meeting Minutes:
After a review of the previous meeting minutes, Ren declared the minute’s approved as presented motion made by Dean and 2nd by Jackson.

Communication and Notices: 

Financial Report and Payment of Listed Bills:
Dean Williard presented four financial statements for review by the Authority. There was a question on the PPL bills that the Authority had received in the amount of $1429.28, what was the bill for.  The bill was for the Waste Water Treatment Plant and HRI Williamsport is to be responsible for that bill.  The Authority paid it out of the Herndon Bank Account and then HRI is to reimburse the Authority for the bill.  Jack made the motion to approve the bills as listed and Kervin 2nd the motion.  Dean then mentioned the corrections to Requisition 12, there was a bill to LDG in the amount of $631.58 which was not covered in the previous requisition because it was for engineering cost.  There was a motion made to revise requisition 12 for RUS, motion made by Jackson, 2nd by Kurvin. 
Recognition of Citizens: The Authority then heard questions and comments from the citizens.  Roger Lebo questioned if he could use ash to fill his tank and the answer is no.  Mike Schaffner wanted to know if he could use the old pipe that is being used at his property now.  The answer is no. Mike Cotner questioned if the contractors had to have insurance and the answer is no, but the Authority is not going to take responsibility if something happens to the owners property.  He also wanted to know if he could use coal to fill the old tank and the response was if it is opened completely.  Terry Cotner questioned why the citizens are getting penalized if they hook-up early.  The reason is to cover the costs that it is going to take to process the waste.  He also questioned when the road at his property is going to be fixed.  Ren replied middle of April.  George Inch questioned whether or not he had to have his cess pool filled in, and yes it is required.  Jeff Miller questioned who the inspectors are going to be.  They are Authority chosen.  Deb Leitzel questioned the billing process and what the other items on the bill could reflect.  They would be late charges, charges for NSF checks or other related billing items.   

Operator’s Report:
Andy informed the Authority that the chlorine regulator was received and installed. 

Solicitors Report:
Ren informed the Authority that the Norfolk Southern insurance issue was not resolved and would be in contact with Larson Design Group. Dean suggested that Larson Design Group give the Authority a letter as to what the hold up has been as the Authority only has the initial request sent to PenDot

Old Business:  Dean questioned what is going on with the PenDot monies of $27,000, Joe told the Authority that is was still not resolved. 

New Business:  Requisition 13 to RUS Wells-Fargo in the amount of $38,004.85 was approved motion by Jackson and 2nd by Ren. There was a change to contract #3 Electrical Change Order to add $4407.26 which was for SCADA equipment. Motion was made by Ren to accept the change order and 2nd by Kurvin.  The Authority was given the proposal to review for the propane at the WWTP and a motion was made by Ren to go with Koppy’s Propane.  2nd to the motion was Dean. The Authority then reviewed the schedule of EDU’s for the Laundromat.   For each Laundromat 1-4 machines is 1 EDU each additional 4 machines or a fraction thereof is another EDU.  Ren made the motion to accept the changes to the schedule of EDU’s.  The Authority also approved the contract for the WWTP site improvement to Dave Gutelius, motion made by Dean and 2nd was from Jackson.  The Authority was informed that there is an antenna inside the fence at the Reservoir that needs to be relocated.  The operators will be able to monitor the WWTP and the Reservoir while at one location.  The approximate cost for the lab equipment for the WWTP is going to be around $12162.00, there was a motion made by Dean to approve the cost of the lab equipment, 2nd to the motion was made by Jackson. Ren also informed the Authority that he is in the process of getting office equipment for the WWTP and the office.  So far he has gotten a new chair for the office, and cordless phones for the WWTP, he also got a filing cabinet for office. 

Next Meeting: April 24, 2007

Adjournment:  There being no further business, the public meeting held at the Herndon Borough Municipal Building adjourned at 8:50p.m

Respectfully Submitted By:Tammy Osman, Secretary

Herndon Borough - Jackson Township
     Joint Municipal Authority
         Meeting Minutes