January 20, 2015

Election of Officers:
Attorney Joe Michetti started the elections with a review of the current offices and officers, and then proceeded with nominations for President.  Dean nominated Jackson Wetzel and Jeff second to the motion.  The nominations were then closed by motion from Dean and second by Jeff.  Dean nominated Joel for Vice President, Jackson second the motion and there being no other nomination Joel was elected Vice President.  Next office up for election was Secretary Dean nominated Jeff and second to the motion by Jackson.  Voting was unanimous and election was closed.  Finally the last office that was open was Treasurer; Jackson nominated Dean and second by Jeff. Nominations were unanimous and voting was closed.  A motion was then made to approve the ballot as follows: President Jackson Wetzel, Vice President Joel Wetzel, Treasurer Dean Williard and Secretary Jeff Aurand. 

Call to Order: 
President Jackson Wetzel called the meeting to order at 7:00pm

Authority Members:  Dean Williard, Jackson Wetzel, Joel Wetzel, Jeff Aurand, Paul Witmer
Employees: Tammy Osman, Andy Bobb
Solicitor:  Joseph Michetti
Citizens:  None

Review of Previous Meeting Minutes:
Jackson asked Paul to introduce himself to the Authority.  Paul is the new representative for Jackson Township.  After a review of the previous month’s meeting minutes a motion was made by Dean and second by Joel to approve the minutes as presented. 

Communications and Notices:  Jackson reviewed the correspondence that he received and he had the LDG retainer for 2015.  Ren Wolfe had made notes of some minor price increases but nothing major.  A signature was needed on the form and it needs to be mailed back to Larson Design Group. 

Financial Report and Payment of Listed Bills:
Dean Williard presented financial statements for review by the Authority. There is a balance in the PLIGIT account of $521.77 and the balance in the general account of $36529.17 and a balance in the Northumberland National Bank Savings account of $1001.51. A motion was made by Joel and second by Jeff to pay the bills as presented along with the addition of payments to PA Department of Revenue for $15.24, Andrew Bobb for $1200.00, Bobbs Plumbing and Heating for $192.76, TDS for $120.91.  Dean presented the official letter from Jackson Township appointing Paul as the new representative for the Township. 

Water System Operator:
Andy informed the Authority that there was nothing new to report on the water system, everything is flowing well. 

Waste Water Operator:  Andy informed the Authority that they were asked by PA One Call to make the utilities on River Shore.  He has everything marked.  Andy also informed the Authority that he met with the contractors on the Curtis Martz property to go over the requirements for the water and sewer hook up at this property.  He informed them of the pitch that is needed over to the man hole. 

Solicitors Report: 
Joe informed the Authority that Yocum property has been paid up to date.  Curtis and Connie Martz property is being torn down and a new property is being built there.  The lien on the Knarr property has been filed.  He also informed the Authority that there is nothing new to report on the lawsuit. 

Old Business:
Dean is going to handle the delinquents and shut offs with Andy.  The only walk thru improvement for 2012 that is still open is the aluminum cover over the post EQ tank which was scheduled and then was cancelled and they have not called to reschedule yet.  Jackson is going to check on the progress of this with Ren. 
The walk thru for 2013 list of improvements:
A.) Put grates on head wall of 18” pipe at well site—Jackson checking with Ren on this as well.
Jackson is checking on the CBDG grant with Ren.   Dean passed out the budget for 2015.  Dean also informed the Authority that the new Northumberland Nation Bank auto draft amount has changed since the matured CD money was applied to the loan.  The new amount that is coming out of the account monthly is $7606.99.  Andy informed the Authority that the decanter valve has not been replaced yet, and Andy stated that PESI is waiting until the weather breaks.

New Business:
Tim Bobb asked the Borough to repair the road to the reservoir.  Dean gave office keys to Jeff and Paul. 
Adjournment:  There being no further business, the public meeting adjourned at 8:01pm

Respectfully Submitted By:Tammy Osman, Secretary

Herndon Borough - Jackson Township
     Joint Municipal Authority
         Meeting Minutes