February 18, 2020
Call to Order:  
President, Jeff Aurand called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

Authority Members: Dean Williard, John Davis, Jeff Aurand, Brian Lenker and Charles Haffling
Employees: Tammy Osman and Todd Mace
Engineer: None
Solicitor: None

Review of Previous Meeting Minutes:
After a review of the previous month’s meeting minutes a motion was made by Charles and second by John to approve the minutes as presented.  

Communications and Notices: Dean informed the Authority that a copy of the letter from EMC the Authorities insurance company in regards to the water main break at the Sencen property has been sent to Sencens. The former Bender property was sold to Patricia Sitlinger. Dean met her as she will be his new neighbor. She wants to know if the Authority is will to set up a deal with her that she can pay the previous balance on the property to not have to pay the connection fee. She also indicated that she would pay the sewer rate effective January 2020 and did have intentions to construct a new home sometime in the future at which time water service would be turned on. Dean reached out to Michetti’s office and was give approval for this one time deal. Dean made a motion to accept the back balance on the property ($1127.50) as full satisfaction of the connection fee for the former Bender property new owner Patricia Sitlinger. Brian was the second to the motion. All were in favor. Dean also informed the Authority that the Borough is having a meeting with Linda Sterling from Seda-Cog on March 2nd to discuss available monies. Dean recommends that someone from the Authority be present for that meeting to see if there is anything that the water and sewer authority could potentially receive. Brian has stated that he will be in attendance and will represent the Authority. Jeff also stated that he attends these meeting and would be there as well. Todd suggested that the best thing to look for would be a way to get monies for the whole project or see if CDBG monies could be applied to projects completed before securing the CBDG monies (debt reduction) such as engineering costs and addressing the DEP Inspection deficiencies.  

Financial Report and Payment of Listed Bills:
Dean Williard presented financial statements for review by the Authority. There is a balance in the PLIGIT account of $547.23 and the balance in the general account of $8401.09 and the balance in the Northumberland National Bank Savings account is zero as this account has been closed and the monies moved over to the Mid Penn Checking account. A motion was made by John and 2nd by Brian to pay the bills as presented with the additions of TDS for $128.63 and Fairway Labs for $162.00 a decision was to hold off on paying the Fairchild Brothers bill until next meeting as there is not enough money in the account to cover the balance of $11250.00.  

Water/Wastewater System Operator: Water System Report The water usage from last month was average daily 65,000 gallons. LDG is handling the response to DEP, samples were taken. A new Soda Ash pump was delivered. A new PADOT emergency permit was submitted for the Sencen property. The Comprehensive Monitoring plan has been completed, the chapter 110 report has been started and will be submitted prior to the March 31, 2020 deadline. Pump Station 4 is giving an alarm; OPSCO was down to take a look at it and unable to repair it. A new pump was installed but more repairs are need so Todd will take a look at it. Herndon Reload will be ready for their lateral inspection in two weeks. They will need to shut down Pennsylvania Avenue for this. Todd also suggested that the Authority start charging for PA One Calls, some of his other customers are charging. One location charges $100.00 per call. There are currently 4 UV sensor lights burned out of the 6 lights, a new sensor is needed. A float ball is needed for the Decant Pump.  

Solicitors Report: None Present

Old Business: The widening of the road and clearing of brush to Well #2 is the sole remaining improvement from the yearly walk through and is pending until Spring of 2020. The annual walk through for 2019 and the list of items that are in need of repair are 
1.) Clean out the culverts and catch basin outlets—perhaps a work detail weekend. still pending until Spring of 2020
The new signatures for the Mid Penn account have been completed.  

New Business: No New Business 

Adjournment: There being no further business, the public meeting adjourned at 8:07 pm. Motion was made by John and 2nd from Brian.  

Respectfully Submitted By:Tammy Osman, Secretary

Herndon Borough - Jackson Township
      Joint Municipal Authority
          Meeting Minutes