February 24, 2009

Call to Order: 
President Reynold Wolfe called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm
Authority Members:  Reynold Wolfe, Dean Williard, Ed Wiestling, Jackson Wetzel, Kurvin Batdorf
Employees: Tammy Osman, Andy Bobb, Rick Spotts
Solicitor: Tony Michetti

Review of Previous Meeting Minutes:
After a review of the previous months meeting minutes a motion was made to approve the minutes as presented with the corrections being made to the reorganization section.  Motion made by Ed and second by Kurvin.  Ren then declared the minutes approved as presented. 

Financial Report and Payment of Listed Bills:
Dean Williard presented financial statements for review by the Authority. There is a balance in the PLIGIT account of $68961.61.  After the review of the bills to be paid tonight and an addition of payments to Ed Wiestling in the amount of $134.24, Mark Ferster and Sons Excavating for $860.00, TDS telecom for $40.93, Seewald lab for $122.00, Wolfes Realty for $559.34; motion was made by Dean to proceed with paying the bills as listed with the additions, second to the motion was made by Jackson.  Dean then informed the authority that he had received a phone call from TDS stating that we could get a lower rate then $ .17 per minute so he followed up and the rate for TDS is now going to be $.07 per minute.  Dean also stated that he is in possession of the CD from the bank the Authority decided that Dean should keep it at home in a fire proof safe, since the Authority does not have a fire proof safe. 

Communication and Notices:
Ren informed the Authority that he received correspondence from NCPD which stated that the Authority was denied for the CBDG grant. 

Water System Operator: 
Andy informed the Authority that the water leak was located in Truman Spotts pasture, and it was the worst case leak, it was ahead of the valve.  Andy informed the Authority that there were 5 ports installed for the next time that this happens it will make it easier to locate the leaks. The estimated cost for the installation of the (5) ports and repair to the 6" water main is $3,752.00. Andy requested that a letter of appreciation be sent to PA Rural Water for their help in locating the leak. 

Waste Water Report: 
Andy informed the Authority that pump station 4 is not running steady; he stated that he is working with Steve Kreider and they think it is an electrical problem. There are new regulations for making a repair to a water main when positive pressure cannot be maintained during the repair.  Andy stated that it is something that we should be looking into.  There is a company that will call each resident that it would have to call to inform them if and when there is a problem with the pressure.  Andy also informed the Authority that the Grease at pump station 2 was pumped out again by Stahlnecker.  Rick stated that he has completed the 2008 waste load report and sent it to the appropriate persons. 

Solicitors Report: 
Tony informed the Authority that the lien on the Hoffmans has been place which amounted to 2886.16 plus filing fees. Tony was informed to increase the lien by $2545.00 (the tap in fee & inspection fee for this forced connection). Tony was informed that there is a sheriff sale on the Reigel property on March 11, 2009.  The independent contract between the Authority and Dean was reviewed and accepted with the corrections and is in effect March 1, 2009.  Motion was made by Ren to accept the contract with the corrections 2nd to the motion made by Ed.  There was 4 approvals and 1 abstain.   

Old Business:
Ren informed the members that the project being completed at the Well-site was on hold until the weather was better.  Ren informed the Authority that he wants to meet with NCPD to see about using grant monies to replace the fence around the well-site.  Dean and Ren will be meeting at 10:00am on March 3 to review the potential disconnects.

New Business: 
Ren informed the Authority that he had gotten a request from the Homeland Security and that he felt should be looked at closer by Ed.  The policy for the grease interceptor was reviewed and motion was made by Dean to approve the corrections and 2nd to the motion was made by Ed.  Ren informed the Authority that Andy needs to get supplies delivered to the WWTP and the stone ramp is going to need about 3 ton of stones to make it high enough which is going to cost approximately $150.00.  A motion was made by Dean to proceed with the purchase of the stones to make the ramp.  2nd to the motion was made by Kurvin.  Ren suggested that the Authority sells the old generator at the WWTP.  Andy also wanted to thank Jackson Wetzel for his help in locating the leak at the well site.  Ed informed the Authority that the new purchase of the updated version of QuickBooks was completed.  The old version now needs to be converted into the new version.  Ed is going to be completing this. 

Next Meeting:  March 24, 2009

Adjournment:  There being no further business, the public meeting held at the Herndon Borough Municipal Building adjourned at 8:45 pm

Respectfully Submitted By:Tammy Osman, Secretary

Herndon Borough - Jackson Township
     Joint Municipal Authority
         Meeting Minutes