February 27, 2007

Call to Order: 
President Reynold Wolfe called the meeting to order at 7:12p.m.

Authority Members:  Reynold Wolfe, Dean Williard, Jackson Wetzel, Kurvin Batdorf
Employees: Tammy Osman, Andy Bobb, Rick Spotts
Solicitor: Joseph Michetti Jr.
Bond Counsel: None
Public: Ms. Hackenburg from the News-Item

Review of Previous Meeting Minutes:
After a review of the previous meeting minutes, Ren declared the minute’s approved as presented motion made by Ren  and 2nd by Dean.

Communication and Notices:  Tammy presented each of the Authority members with the form from the State Ethic Commission which is to be filled out and given back to Tammy by the next meeting date.  

Financial Report and Payment of Listed Bills:
Dean Williard presented four financial statements for review by the Authority.  There was $4000 transferred from the PLIGIT account into the General account for the month of February.  Dean then presented the checks that were ready to be signed at this months meeting. There were two checks made payable to PPL that raised questions these two checks were for services at the waste water treatment plant.  It was decided that these funds will be paid out of the general account and if the funds would be available they would be reimbursable under the Sewer funds.   Dean made the motion to pay the bills as presented and Jackson 2nd. Dean informed the Authority that we billed Coldwell Banker for the Bretzgel property for the February water and the reconnect fee, totaling $40.00. 
Operator’s Report:
Andy informed the Authority that the chlorine regulator was still not received and it was a concern. Andy’s research revealed that due to the manufacture’s dealer service territory boundaries we could not purchase it from the original low bidder.  He did some research and found another one at a different company but it would cost a little more money.  It was decided that he should proceed with getting the regulator wherever he can get it.
Solicitors Report:
Joe informed the Authority that he talked to Jens and scheduled a date for a closing on the loan and that is scheduled to take place on March 26, 2007.  There was a question raised about the Hummel’s property and they are claiming that there was forgery on the easement; however Joe states that the documents are valid as stands.  Dean requested Joe get with Jens (bond counsel) and look into the $3524.65 interim financing monies that were being reported by RUS on the financial spreadsheet and still being monies which could be used towards the project.
New Business:
There were four resolutions that were approved, the first resolution was approving a guaranty agreement by the Herndon Boro(90%) and Jackson Township (10%).  This was approved by both.  The motion was made for the secretary and the President to expedite each.  Motion made by Dean and 2nd by Kurvin. The second resolution was for the authorizing and securing two bonds in the amount of $1,544,000 for the purpose of refunding the Authorities loan note issued to North Wales Water Authority.  Motion was made by Jackson and 2nd by Ren. The third resolution was for HBJTJMA imposing a tapping fee against each property owner served by the sewer system.  A motion was made to adapt a fee of $2500.00, and to give each home owner 90 days to connect.  The fourth resolution was for HBJTJMA adopting rules and regulations governing the use of the sewer system and imposing user charges.  It was decided that the user charge would be $61.50 per month per edu.  Motion was made by Dean and 2nd by Jackson to charge the $61.50 per month.  Ren then presented the authority with the letters that he created to be distributed to each home owner regarding the hook-up and the regulations that were to be followed.  It was then decided that an inspection cost would be charged to each home owner of $45.00.  It was decided that there would be a $2.00 per day charge per edu if the service was hooked up in the middle of a month.  
Ren the mentioned the propane problem that is at the WWTP, the propane tanks are not permitted next to the generator on the porch and that 300 pounds is not enough.  Therefore there is going to be two 500 pound tanks located 10 foot from the building on a concrete pad.  This work is going to be included with the riprap work.  Andy then mentioned that there is no water pressure at the plant this could be because they are froze up, they will be looking into it.  Rick mentioned that there were two valves that were missed and that there is a change order in process to have that fixed. 
Dean then presented Requisition 12 in the amount of $279,487.64 payable to contract 1 for $154,375.81 and contract 2 for $117, 615.70 for contract 2 and $7496.13 payable to LDG for Engineering.  Requisition 29 from the Community Banks account in the amount of $22557.88 for the finale payment for the land of $19,000 and the line of credit interest of $3557.88.  Motion was made by Dean to proceed with Requisition 12, 2nd by Jackson.  Motion was made to proceed with requisition 29 motion made by Dean and 2nd by Kurvin, there was one abstain. 
Next Meeting: March 27, 2007

Adjournment:  There being no further business, the public meeting held at the Herndon Borough Municipal Building adjourned at 8:45p.m

Respectfully Submitted By:Tammy Osman, Secretary

Herndon Borough - Jackson Township
     Joint Municipal Authority
         Meeting Minutes