December 17, 2019

Call to Order: ed as presented. A motion was made by Dean and second by Jeff to approve the budget for 2020 as presented. The meeting dates for 2020 were also set and meetings will be held on the third Tuesday of the month. Beginning January 21, February 18, March 17, April 21, May 19, June 16, July 21, August 18, September 15, October 20, November 17, and December 15 2020.

New Business: Paul Witmer thanked the Authority for his time on the board. Paul will not be returning for 2020.  

Adjournment: There being no further business, the public meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm. Motion was made by Dean and 2nd from John

Respectfully Submitted By:Tammy Osman, Secretary

President, Paul Witmer called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm.

Authority Members: Dean Williard, Paul Witmer, John Davis, Jeff Aurand, and Pete Bergstresser
Employees: Tammy Osman and Todd Mace
Engineer: Ed Brown from LDG Group
Solicitor: None
Citizens: None

Review of Previous Meeting Minutes:
After a review of the previous month’s meeting minutes a motion was made by Dean and second by John to approve the minutes as presented.  

Communications and Notices: Dean informed the Authority that there is a lien in place on Robert Torgesen property. Dean also informed the Authority that the George Inch property was purchased by Herndon Reload. Dean is in communications with Ilgenfritz in regards to the payment on the other half of the hook up fee that is due. Dean got the invoice for the New Year for the Municipal Authority subscription, the rate is $310.00. Dean will follow up with them and decide if the Authority is keeping the subscription or not.  

Engineer Report: Ed Brown from Larson Design Group was present to go over the DEP report that was issues to the Authority and give his recommendations on repairs. Ed suggested switching from using gas CL2 (Chlorination) to switching to liquid CL2. A written notice is due to DEP by December 22nd on Authority’s intentions. LDG would like to sign an new retainer agreement with the Authority. A motion was made by Dean and second by Paul to retain LDG as the Engineer for 2020. LDG to get the written agreement to Dean.  

Financial Report and Payment of Listed Bills:
Dean Williard presented financial statements for review by the Authority. There is a balance in the PLIGIT account of $545.84 and the balance in the general account of $9085.76 and a balance in the Northumberland National Bank Savings account of $1,021.15. A motion was made by Pete and 2nd by Jeff to pay the bills as presented along with the addition of payments to TDS for 129.89 and PPL for whatever the amount of the bill is when it is received. As of the meeting that amount was not know, but that bill will be paid prior to the next meeting.  

Water/Wastewater System Operator: Link to Report The water usage from last month was average daily 76,000 gallons. The water system maps have been located. The response letter was sent to DEP in regards to the repairs that will be made to the system. The Chlorine leak was fixed at the reservoir. 24 mesh screens were received and now waiting on the clamps for the catch basin. The Comprehensive monitoring Plan is almost completed. The uninterrupted System Service plan was also completed. Soda Ash is about used up and more will need to be ordered. Who owns the fire hydrant at Herndon Reload, because Reload has fixed the hydrant. The UV bulbs have been cleaned and do not need replaced at this time, however the sensor lights need replaced.

Solicitors Report: None Present 

Old Business: The widening of the road and clearing of brush to Well #2 is the sole remaining improvement from the yearly walk through and is pending until Spring of 2020. The annual walk through for 2019 and the list of items that are in need of repair are 
1.) Clean out the culverts and catch basin outlets—perhaps a work detail weekend. still pending until Spring of 2020
The budget was updated to include the ending balance in the Mid Penn checking account. No revisions were needed so the budget pass

Herndon Borough - Jackson Township
      Joint Municipal Authority
          Meeting Minutes