April 20, 2021

Call to Order:  
President, John Davis called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm.

Authority Members: Dean Williard, John Davis, Judi Deppen, Pete Bergstresser and Charles Haffling 
Employees: Tammy Osman and Todd Mace
Citizens: None
Solicitor: None

Review of Previous Meeting Minutes:
After a review of the previous month’s meeting minutes a motion was made by Charlie and second by Judi to approve the minutes as written. 

Communications and Notices: Dean informed the Authority that on April 15th closing on LDG 260 and the Ruth Klinger property closed on April 9th. Dean also met with the CPA and he has decided to not raise his rate this year, he did advise that he is not up to date on grant monies and how the accounting works for that but he could recommend someone if we need. PenDot questioned when the pothole in front of Gillians property was going to be repaired. Dean informed them that we do not have the funding to repair. Pendot will make the repair and it will possible bill the Authority. Dean had mailed the signed Consent Order Agreement and Resolution to DEP (see 4/7/2021 special meeting) which they received April 12th. Upon return of the signed agreement back from DEP the Authority has 60 days to provide them with a Plan of Action (CAP). Attorney Joe Michetti will get with Larson Design in having them prepare the CAP as per special meeting of April 7th.  

Financial Report and Payment of Listed Bills:
Dean Williard presented financial statements for review by the Authority. There is a balance in the PLIGIT account of $549.15 and the balance in the general account of $19324.11. A motion was made to pay the payments as listed with the additions of Fairway Labs for $105.00, TDS for $131.32 and Chem2o for $975.00. The motion was made by Dean and second by Judi.  

Water/Wastewater System Operator: Report – Report Todd advised that the chlorine gas has been received. The pump that was being used had died and Todd got quotes on a new versus having the old repaired and chose to have the old repaired as the Authority does not have the extra funding to purchase new at this time. The consent order agreement was received by DEP, and is in the pile. Sludge removal will need to be completed at the WWTP. The Post EQ, SBR units, Pump Station 1 & 2 all need to be cleaned. Riehl apartments still has a leak, he reached out to Todd and Todd advised him that it was his problem as it is on his property.  

Solicitors Report: None present.

Old Business: The hydrant Flushing is scheduled for June 1st and it will be advertised via the letter that will be going out about the rate increase and the yearly water quality report. Judi drafted a rate increase letter to send out to all residence advising that the rate would increase. The draft was reviewed and adjustments to the wording were made. A final draft was to be ready along with the Annual Water Quality notice before the next meeting. The sewer rate of $61.50 per month per EDU would remain the same and the present water rate of $30.00 per month per EDU will be $44.50 (an increase of $14.50). A motion was made to raise the rates in the 3rd quarter versus waiting until the 4th quarter, since the Authority is short on funds this increase would help with the cash flow. Todd will prepare the yearly Water Quality Report that needs to be to all residence by June 30, and have it to Dean and Tammy as soon as it is completed. Judi will make edits to the letter and a special mailing will be sent to advise of the rate increase and also to advise of the hydrant flushing on June 1st.  

New Business: The yearly walk through of the system will take place on May 19th, meeting place will be at the Borough Building at 5:30 with the Authority meeting directly following.  
Adjournment: There being no further business, the public meeting adjourned at 8:35pm. Motion was made by Judi and 2nd from Charles. 

Respectfully Submitted By:Tammy Osman, Secretary

Herndon Borough - Jackson Township
      Joint Municipal Authority
          Meeting Minutes