April 23, 2008

Call to Order: 
President Reynold Wolfe called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm

Authority Members:  Reynold Wolfe, Dean Williard, Jackson Wetzel, Kurvin Batdorf, Ed Wiestling
Employees: Tammy Osman, Andy Bobb
Solicitor:  Tony Michetti
Citizens: Cindy Inkrote and Timothy Bobb

Review of Previous Meeting Minutes:
After a review of the previous months meeting minutes, Ren declared the minute’s approved as presented motion made by Ed and second by Jackson.

Financial Report and Payment of Listed Bills:
Dean Williard presented financial statements for review by the Authority. There is a balance in the PLIGIT account of $80923.11.   After the review of the bills to be paid tonight and the addition of check 251 payable to HFC in the amount of $19998.70, there was a motion made by Jack and 2nd by Ed to proceed with paying the bills that are listed and then also to proceed and pay the bill that were submitted at tonight’s meeting. Dean then presented an overview of each of the checking accounts that the Authority has and what funds are available in each. Dean also informed the Authority of the accident on April 6th that damaged a fire hydrant, and street signs.  Andy is to be getting the insurance information to Dean so that the bills then can be reimbursed by the insurance.

Water System Operator:
Andy informed the Authority of the results of the open house that was held at the WWTP on April 24th 2008.  He also informed the Authority that he took the test for certification and is awaiting the results. 

Solicitors Report: 
The Law office of Dluge and Michetti requested that Cindy Inkrote (LDG 36) be present at tonight’s meeting to discuss the current tenants and what the Authoritys options are and what they are expecting from them. Tony presented 3 options for the Authority to consider, the first was that the current tenants move out and vacate the property, 2) the propery owners pay to have the sewer hooked up and then pay the current monthly charges, or 3) the Authority take prompt legal action.  Ms. Inkrote informed the Authority that the current tenant are the first on the list at Scott’s Towers, which means that it could be as soon as a month that they vacate the property.  It was decided that Ms. Inkrote will report back to the Authority in 2 months and a resolution will be done in 4 months.  A motion was made that the Authority requests an update on or before June 24, 2008 and the final resolution by August 26, 2008.  Motion made by Ren and 2nd by Jackson.  The Authority then addressed the non connects.  It was decided that LDG 229 rate is to be changed to two water rates and the connection needs to be made within 30 days.  LDG 74 and 87 will have a citation filed.  Tony suggested that the Authority have an “enforcement officer” who will if necessary be present at the courthouse for the hearing,  Jackson Wetzel will be.  The Authority filed a motion to proceed with filing a citation on LDG 74 Carl Criley property with Jackson Wetzel as the officer, motion was made by Kurvin and 2nd by Ed.  A motion was then made to include in tonight’s bills a  check to Dluge and Michetti for payment for the funds that will be needed for proper service.  The Authority decided to file an injunction on LDG 146.  

New Business: 
The Authority held an open house at the WWTP on April 19th 2008. The lawn and field mowing at the WWTP was also mentioned and it was suggested that the Authority have a borough employee do it.  Ren will be taking care of notifying the correct people.  Ed then presented some information that he had found on different software that could be purchased to help with the billing program.  It was decided that the information would be reviewed and ideas and thought will be presented at a later time. 

Next Meeting:  June 24, 2008

Adjournment:  There being no further business, the public meeting held at the Herndon Borough Municipal Building adjourned at 8:47 pm

Respectfully Submitted By:Tammy Osman, Secretary

Herndon Borough - Jackson Township
     Joint Municipal Authority
         Meeting Minutes